Hi Mike,
/bpra'weh·nee/ is correct and unambiguous, but it does not follow the Haas system. I love my
Haas dictionary (bought it in 2001), but it was already becoming antiquated then, and it is not beginner friendly.
This phonetic script is closer to the Paiboon system, with some differences. It uses a following apostrophe to mark unstressed syllables, and that is its only function.
So, the recommended way for a learner to practice the pronunciation of
bpra'weh·nee is to break it into two parts:
bpra'weh (
bpra' is short and unstressed ...
weh is long, mid tone)
but they are not separated when practicing the pronunciation.
followed by nee (
nee rhymes with bee, see, fee, pee)
Love the questions. btw, we prefer the term phonetic script to transcription for our system because it is
prescriptive for learning as much as transcriptive.
Of course, no script can trump the value of hearing/mimicking a native speaker, and
click-to-hear TTS is a feature we are proud to offer in this dictionary!