English Words with No Thai Equivalent (minibook)

250 English Words with No Thai Equivalent

Version 1.0
Adapted from: English-Thai Dictionary by Greg Callahan and Sopit Suwan
©2022 Greg Callahan. All rights reserved. Distribution prohibited without permission.

Note: a poundsign # indicates the English entry word has no Thai equivalent word or phrase.

Note: Some multi-meaning English words may have a Thai eqivalent in one sense but no equivalent in another.

accost # to confront someone angrily or aggressively #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ก้าวร้าว /gâao ráao/ to be aggressive (causing offense) , offensive, pushy

affront (n.) # an action or remark that causes outrage or offense #No Thai equivalent

against all odds # despite very low probability, ... #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ทั้งที่มีอุปสรรค /táng têe mee òopˢ·bpa'sàk/ in spite of obstacles, ...

aggrandize # to glorify someone beyond what is justified by the facts #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  โม้ /móh/ to boast, brag; to vaunt (self-aggrandize)

angst # a strong feeling of anxiety or dread that isn't specific or focused #No Thai equivalent

anticlimax # a disappointing end to something exciting or impressive #No Thai equivalent

appall # to greatly dismay [BrE: appal] #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ทุเรศ /tú·rêht/ appalling, disgusting, awful, disgraceful *var. น่าทุเรศ /nâa tú·rêht/

array (n.) # an impressive range or display of items #No Thai equivalent

~ array in mathematics ■  อนุกรม /à·nú·grom/

availability (1) # the degree to which something is in a state of being usable or obtainable #No Thai equivalent

availability (2) # anticipated state of being otherwise unoccupied and free to do or attend something #No Thai equivalent

balk # to hesitate or refuse to accept an idea, plan or undertaking #No Thai equivalent

behoove # to be incumbent upon, be an appropriate duty (for) [BrE: behove] #No Thai equivalent

belabor # to talk about something for an inappropriately long time or in great detail [BrE: belabour] #No Thai equivalent

bigot # a person with strong negative opinions about other cultures or races #No Thai equivalent

bimbo # an attractive but unintelligent or foolish young woman #No Thai equivalent

binge # to overdo an activity or overconsume • to indulge excessively #No Thai equivalent

Boo! # an exclamation used to startle or frighten someone #No Thai equivalent

bookend, bookends # a support at the end of a row of books #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ที่กั้นหนังสือ /têe gân nang*·sěu/ book divider (may also function as a bookend)

bout # a short period of intense activity or of sickness; e.g., a bout of the flu #No Thai equivalent

~ bout can also refer to a contest between wrestlers or fighters

~ good to know: ■  การแข่งขัน /gaan kàengˢ*·kǎn/ a competition; match, game, race, sports contest

breakthrough # a dramatic discovery, development or achievement #No Thai equivalent

bright spot # something that is good when things around it/you are not #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  แสงสว่าง /sǎeng sa'wàang/ shining light (associated with goodness)

brunette # a woman with dark brown hair #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ผมสีน้ำตาล /pǒm sěe nám·dtaan/ brown hair

by default # to happen one way because of a lack of intention or opposition #No Thai equivalent

caliber (of a person) # the high quality of a person's character and abilities *also spelled calibre #No Thai equivalent

~ calibre of a gun ■  ขนาดลำกล้องปืน /ka'nàat lam glâungˢ* bpeun/ the bore/diameter of a gun barrel *also spelled calibre

capitalize (1) # to leverage advantages [BrE: capitalise] #No Thai equivalent

capitalize (2) # to supply a business with capital [BrE: capitalise] #No Thai equivalent

~ to capitalize letters in writing ■  เขียนตัวโต /kǐan dtua dtoh/ to write in capital letters [BrE: capitalise]

centerfold # the two middle pages of a magazine combined in one image [BrE: centrefold] #No Thai equivalent

centerpiece # a featured or distinguished item in a set or group [BrE: centrepiece] #No Thai equivalent

clapboard # layered house siding [BrE: weatherboard] #No Thai equivalent

clingy (fabric) # fabric that tends to stick to things #No Thai equivalent

clingy (person) # emotionally dependent on a relationship; uncomfortable being apart #No Thai equivalent

come up (in a conversation) # (of a subject/topic) to be discussed incidentally #No Thai equivalent

commission (v.) # to authorize and fund the production of a building, a piece of equipment, a work of art, etc. #No Thai equivalent

Note: the noun 'commission' has other meanings

~ good to know: ■  คอมมิชชั่น /kawm·mít·chân/ commission: sales commission

~ good to know: ■  คณะกรรมการ /ka'ná: gam·ma'gaan/ commission: a committee, council [clf. คณะ /ka'ná:/]

~ good to know: ■  สัญญาบัตร /sǎn·yaa·bàt/ commission: a royal letter of appointment

common ground # mutual interests or understanding • something people can agree about when they disagree otherwise #No Thai equivalent

commuter # a person who commutes daily (typically from the suburbs to the city) #No Thai equivalent

compelling # not able to be resisted or refuted #No Thai equivalent

concession # something that is conceded (allowed or given up) as a bargaining chip or to gain leverage #No Thai equivalent

~ another meaning of concession is ■  สัมปทาน /sǎm·bpà'taan/ rights granted for business or land use

congenial # pleasant (personality) and sharing similar qualities or interests #No Thai equivalent

cosmopolitan (person) # worldly, well travelled, cultured #No Thai equivalent

cost # the outlay, expenditure or sacrifice made to achieve or acquire something #No Thai equivalent

~ another meaning of cost is ■  ค่า /kâa/ fee, price, value, charges incurred

~ good to know: ■  มูลค่า /muun·la'kâa/ or /muun·kâa/ retail value, list price

coveralls # type of full-length protective outer garment [BrE: boiler suit] #No Thai equivalent

cringe # to bend, shrink or grimace because of embarrassment, disgust or fear #No Thai equivalent

crossing guard # a traffic director who assists pedestrians or schoolchildren at crossings [BrE: lollipop lady or man] #No Thai equivalent

curiosity # something odd, strange, or unusual that arouses interest or suspicion #No Thai equivalent

~ another meaning of curiosity is ■  ความอยากรู้อยากเห็น /kwaam yàak·rúu yàak·hěn/ a strong desire to know or learn something *var. ความอยากรู้ /kwaam yàak·rúu/

cynical # distrustful of human sincerity or integrity • dismissive of optimistic viewpoints #No Thai equivalent

debacle # a complete failure characterized by poor planning or execution #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ความล้มเหลว /kwaam lóm·lěow/ a failure

decadent # luxurious indulgence considered to reflect low morals or discipline #No Thai equivalent

~ decadent can also mean to be in a state of moral decline or decay

~ good to know: ■  เสื่อมโทรม /sèuam sohm/ to wane, decay; in decline; dilapidated; disreputable, sordid

defensive # anxious to deflect or avoid criticism #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ป้องกัน /bpâungˢ*·gan/ protective or defensive: used or intended to defend or protect

deli, delicatessen # a shop that sells prepared (processed) meats and side-dishes #No Thai equivalent

delinquent (adj.) negligent in one's duties; behind schedule

delinquent (n.) # a young person with a propensity to commit minor crimes #No Thai equivalent

delusion # a belief that is completely contrary to reason or evidence #No Thai equivalent

delusional ~ believing or hallucinating outlandish things

den # a room created for hobbies or relaxing (separate from the living room) #No Thai equivalent

~ den principally refers to a wild animal's lair or habitation

~ good to know: ■  ถ้ำสัตว์ /tâm sàt/ an animal cave [clf. ถ้ำ /tâm/ | place แห่ง /hàengˢ*/]

deprive # deny the use, possession or benefit of something #No Thai equivalent

deterrent # something that discourages actions by others by instilling fear or doubt #No Thai equivalent

disclaimer # a legal statement intended to specify or limit the scope of rights and obligations #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ปฏิเสธความรับผิดชอบ /bpà·dtì·sèht kwaam·ráp·pìt·châwp/ to deny responsibility

disguise (n.) # apparel or accessories to disguise one's identity #No Thai equivalent

Note: the verb disguise means to alter one's appearance in order to conceal one's identity

~ good to know: ■  ซ่อนเร้น /sâwn rén/ to cloak, disguise, harbor; hidden, secret, concealed

~ good to know: ■  แฝงตัว /fǎeng dtua/ disguise oneself, hide, lurk

~ good to know: ■  ปลอมตัว /bplawm dtua/ to impersonate; pretend to be; fake one's identity

~ good to know: ■  พราง /praang/ to camouflage; to conceal against; disguise oneself

dispel # to put an end to a notion, belief or rumor #No Thai equivalent

disturbing # to be upsetting, disquieting, dismaying, distressing • hard to see, watch or hear (unsettling) #No Thai equivalent

diversion # an intentional distraction #No Thai equivalent

~ another meaning of diversion is ■  ทางเบี่ยง /taang bìang/ a detour, a road diversion

dogma # political or religious beliefs that must not be questioned #No Thai equivalent

doorman (of a hotel) # #No Thai equivalent

drop out (of school, competition or a race) choose to leave before completion

~ good to know: ■  ลาออกจากโรงเรียนกลางคัน /laa àwk jàak rohng·rian glaang·kan/ drop out of school midway

dropout # a student who chooses to leave school before graduation #No Thai equivalent

dummy # a puppet used as a prop for ventriloquism (AmE) #No Thai equivalent

Note: dummy has other meanings

~ good to know: ■  หุ่นโชว์ *◊ /hòonˢ choh/ dummy: a mannequin for tailoring or modeling (AmE) [clf. ตัว /dtua/]

~ good to know: ■  จุกนมหลอก /jòokˢ nom làwk/ dummy: a pacifier (for a baby) (BrE) *var. จุกนม /jòokˢ nom/ [clf. จุก /jòokˢ/ | อัน /an/]

eclectic # sophisticated style or taste derived from a diverse range of sources #No Thai equivalent

encompass # to include a wide range of things, ideas, subjects, etc. #No Thai equivalent

~ another meaning of encompass is ■  ล้อมรอบ /láwm râwp/ to surround and have or hold within

encore # a post-show extra performance requested by an audience #No Thai equivalent

enshrine, enshrined # to preserve or cherish as sacred • to build a shrine for #No Thai equivalent

epiphany # a sudden and surprising realization of something important #No Thai equivalent

epitome # a perfect example of a particular quality or type #No Thai equivalent

epitomize # to be a perfect example of; be the epitome of #No Thai equivalent

equate # to consider/believe that two things are equivalent #No Thai equivalent

ever (adv.) # in any way, under any circumstances ; e.g., "How can I ever thank you?" #No Thai equivalent

Note: the principle meaning of ever (aux.) is ■  เคย /kəəy/ at some time, at any point in time (in the past) ~ for example: ■  Have you ever visited Thailand before? คุณเคยมาเที่ยวเมืองไทยมาก่อนไหม /koonˢ kəəy maa tîow meuang tai maa gàwn mái*/ *เคย also means "used to" do

every other # all except for the one previously mentioned or specified #No Thai equivalent

Note: every other can also refer to the one after the one skipped (repeated in a series)

~ good to know: ■  วันเว้นวัน /wan wén* wan/ every other day

~ good to know: ■  สลับกัน /sa'làp gan/ alternating, every other one

exempt (adj.) # excused from normally required duties or obligations #No Thai equivalent

exhilarated # refreshed, animated, and energetic in a joyful feeling #No Thai equivalent

expedition # a long journey organized for exploration and/or surveying #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  การสำรวจ /gaan sǎm·rùat*/ exploration

exploit (v.) to make full use of and derive maximum benefits from

exploit (n.) # a notable deed or feat, esp. one that is noble or heroic #No Thai equivalent

extrovert # an outgoing person, esp. one who is expressive, bold and socially confident #No Thai equivalent

farce # an absurdly ridiculous situation • theatrical performance characterized by absurd buffoonery #No Thai equivalent

fare (v.) # to make out, get on (achieve an outcome) in a way that can be characterized; e.g., "How did you fare in the tournament?" #No Thai equivalent

fiasco # a complete failure characterized as ludicrous or humiliating #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ความล้มเหลว /kwaam lóm·lěow/ a failure

firing squad # #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  การประหารชีวิตโดยการยิงเป้า /gaan bpra'hǎan chee·wít doy gaan·ying·bpâo/ execution by shooters

fizzle out # to gradually end in a disappointing or weak way #No Thai equivalent

flair # stylishness, artfulness, panache #No Thai equivalent

~ flair can also refer to a natural ability or skill

~ good to know: ■  พรสวรรค์ /pawn sa'wǎn/ gift, talent, flair

flare # a gradual widening of a shape #No Thai equivalent

~ flare can also refer to a brief burst of fire or bright light

~ good to know: ■  พลุ /plú:/ a pyrotechnic signal, held in place or shot in the air ~ also means firework [clf. ดอก /dàwk/ | ลูก /lûuk/]

flip out (expr.) # to lose control of oneself from surprise or shock:, to react irrationally to an event #No Thai equivalent

floppy # to hang or move in a limp, loose way #No Thai equivalent

foolproof # so well-designed or well-planned that success is guaranteed • idiot-proof #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ไม่มีทางล้มเหลว /mâi mee taang lóm·lěow/ no-way-to-fail (situation)

forth # (put, place or pushed) forward and into view or available for consideration; e.g., "put forth a motion" #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ข้างหน้า /kâang nâa/ forward, ahead, up ahead; onward or outward in place or space

forthcoming (1) # planned for or about to happen in the near future • ready or available when required or expected #No Thai equivalent

forthcoming (2) # willing or eager to be informative, social or candid #No Thai equivalent

fraternal # of or like a brother or brothers; of or like a brotherhood #No Thai equivalent

fraternize # breaking rules or norms in order to associate with or form a friendship with someone [BrE: fraternise] #No Thai equivalent

freak (adj.) very unusual or unpredictable (an event or situation) e.g., a freak accident

~ good to know: ■  ประหลาด /bpra'làat/ very odd, strange, weird; freaky *var. แปลกประหลาด /bplàek bpra'làat/

~ good to know: ■  ฟลุค /flóokˢ/ fluke (an unlikely coincidence, esp. a lucky one)

freak (n.) # a person, animal or plant that has a freakish form or appearance; e.g., a freak of nature #No Thai equivalent

functional # designed to be practical and useful rather than attractive #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of functional is ■  ใช้ได้ /chái dâai*/ useable

~ good to know: ■  มีประโยชน์ใช้งานได้ /mee bpra'yòht* chái ngaan dâai*/ working, functional, beneficial

~ good to know: ■  ปฏิบัติการได้ /bpà·dtì·bàt·gaan dâai*/ working, functioning, operational

furor # a commotion or outbreak of anger, excitement or confusion #No Thai equivalent

fury # violent or dangerous energy (e.g., in a storm) or emotion (e.g., in a person) #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ความโกรธแค้น /kwaam gròht·káen/ wrath, rage, outrage, fury

garb (religious) clothing which is worn in accordance with religious practice #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  เครื่องแต่งตัว /krûeang dtàeng dtua/ attire (in general)

~ good to know: ■  จีวร /jee·wawn/ monk's robes [clf. ผืน /pěun/]

get to know # to come to know well over time #No Thai equivalent

giddy # frivolous, playful and silly (in an excited way) #No Thai equivalent

~ another meaning of giddy is ■  เวียนหัว /wian hǔa/ affected with dizziness or vertigo

glamour # a beauty or charm that is exciting and fashionably alluring *also spelled glamor #No Thai equivalent

gloat # ~ to express great pleasure because of your own success or good luck, or someone else's failure. #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  หยิ่งผยอง /yìng pa'yǎwng/ to be excessively proud, arrogant, haughty

go awry (go wrong) # (of well-made plans) to fall apart, get messed up #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  เกิดข้อผิดพลาด /gə̀ət /kâw pìt·plâat/ went wrong; glitch, error, etc.

grace # a style or aura marked by elegance and refinement #No Thai equivalent

grappling hook # a device with multiple hooks or claws and attached to a rope • a grapnel #No Thai equivalent

green thumb (expr.) # having a natural talent for growing plants [BrE: green fingers] #No Thai equivalent

groom, grooming (1) # to prepare/train someone for a particular endeavor or career #No Thai equivalent

groom, grooming (2) # the activities one does to manage their appearance and hygiene #No Thai equivalent

grueling # extremely tiring and demanding [BrE: gruelling] #No Thai equivalent

habit # religious garb or costume *chiefly in the Catholic Church #No Thai equivalent

~ habit principally refers to a regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up

hardware store # a shop selling items for the house and garden not found in grocery stores, such as: tools, fasteners, kitchen items, plumbing and electrical, etc. #No Thai equivalent

heave # to lift, haul, throw or drag (a heavy thing) with great effort #No Thai equivalent

hedge one's bets # to protect oneself against making the wrong choice #No Thai equivalent

helpless # unable to defend oneself or to act without help #No Thai equivalent

hide-away # a place to retreat and be undisturbed #No Thai equivalent

high-strung # chronically anxious and apt to lose composure easily #No Thai equivalent

hope chest # domestic items stored by a young woman in preparation for her marriage #No Thai equivalent

impair, impaired # weakened, diminished, injured or damaged (but not destroyed or ruined or lost) • having a disability of a specified kind (e.g., hearing-impaired) #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  เสียหาย /sǐa hǎai/ damaged

impeach # to cast doubt on the integrity or validity of something • to challenge or discredit a person's standing #No Thai equivalent

implicit # understood without explicit verbal discussion or explanation #No Thai equivalent

inaugurate # begin or introduce a new system, policy, or elected official #No Thai equivalent

ingenuity # invention and originality characterized by cleverness or genius #No Thai equivalent

initialize # set conditions necessary to the start of an operation [BrE:} initialise #No Thai equivalent

innkeeper # proprietor of an inn #No Thai equivalent

insensitive # thoughtless and unconcerned about others' feelings #No Thai equivalent

instant replay # the immediate rebroadcast of some action [BrE: action replay] #No Thai equivalent

invalid (adj.) # not true because of or based on erroneous information or unsound reasoning #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of invalid (adj.) is ■  โมฆะ /moh·ká:/ null and void; not legally recognized *var. เป็นโมฆะ /bpen moh·ká:/

~ good to know: ■  ใช้การไม่ได้ /chái·gaan mâi·dâai*/ not usable, invalid; unworkable, impractical

~ good to know: ■  ไม่ถูกต้อง /mâi tùuk dtâungˢ*/ incorrect, invalid

invoke # to cite as authority in order to support a contention or a defense #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of invoke is to call on or raise a ghost or spirit, esp. by incantations or prayer

~ good to know: ■  เข้าผี /kâo pěe/ perform a ceremony to invoke a spirit to dwell in the body

ironic, ironically # using or characterized by irony #No Thai equivalent

irony (of a situation) # a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected #No Thai equivalent

irony (in speech) # speech used in such a way that the intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words #No Thai equivalent

-ish *used with nouns # belonging to or characteristic of; e.g., Jewish, piggish #No Thai equivalent

Note: when used with blended colors "-ish" can be inferred from ■  อม /om/ somewhat, a cross of ~ syntax: color + อม + color

~ good to know: ■  เหลืองอมส้ม /lěuang om sôm/ yellow-orange-ish

~ good to know: ■  ฟ้าอมเขียว /fáa om kǐow/ blue-ish green; green-ish blue

jar (v.) # an unexpected physical knock or jolt #No Thai equivalent

jaywalk # to cross the street when it is unwise or illegal to do so #No Thai equivalent

Note: a jaywalker could be described as ■  เจ้าถนน /jâo ta'nǒn/ a bold, reckless pedestrian (slang) ~ "lord of the road"

jeopardize # put someone or something into a risky situation [BrE: jeopardise] #No Thai equivalent

jock (slang) # an enthusiast or accomplished participant in a sport or activity #No Thai equivalent

judgmental # expressing a negatively biased or excessively critical point of view #No Thai equivalent

jump start (a vehicle) # to boost a dead car battery with jumper cables in order to start a vehicle #No Thai equivalent

lackluster # uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum [BrE: lacklustre] #No Thai equivalent

lair # a wild animal's hidden or camouflaged living or resting place #No Thai equivalent

landlocked, land-locked # having no seashore; e.g., Laos is a land-locked country #No Thai equivalent

large-scale (1) # involving large numbers or extensive logistics (e.g., a large-scale operation) #No Thai equivalent

large-scale (2) # (of a map or model) made to a scale large enough to show certain features in detail #No Thai equivalent

lark # an escapade that is meant as a joke or an amusing adventure #No Thai equivalent

Note: a lark is also a type of songbird ■  ลาร์ค /lâa[r]k/ *full นกลาร์ค *◊ /nók lâa[r]k/ [clf. ตัว /dtua/]

levitate # to float (rise) in the air defying gravity, esp. by magic #No Thai equivalent

lineup (n.) # a group of people or things brought together in a particular context (e.g. a police lineup) #No Thai equivalent

lisp # a speech disorder characterized by pronouncing "s" and "z" sounds like "th" #No Thai equivalent

loom, looming (v.) # to appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening #No Thai equivalent

loose-leaf (paper/pages) # unattached sheets of paper, typically hole-punched for a ring binder #No Thai equivalent

luster # a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially from a reflective or polished surface [BrE: lustre] #No Thai equivalent

make ends meet # to budget income in a way to avoid debt #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ชักหน้าไม่ถึงหลัง /chák nâa mâi těungˢ lǎng/ cannot make ends meet cannot close the gap

make out (1) # to manage (with difficulty) to discern or find something #No Thai equivalent

make out (2) # to fare, to have an outcome (characterized as successful or not) #No Thai equivalent

make out (3) extended passionate kissing

mangle # to severely and forcefully damage and disfigure, esp. by crushing #No Thai equivalent

marginal # barely acceptable (e.g., can barely meet quality standards) #No Thai equivalent

marginalize # to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral [BrE: marginalise] to relegate to the sidelines #No Thai equivalent

marquee # a covered structure with signage over the entrance to a building; common for hotels, theaters #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of marquee is ■  ปะรำ /bpa'ram/ a large tent or canopy used for functions *var. ปะรำพิธี /bpa'ram pí·tee/ [clf. หลัง /lǎng/]

marvel # to be filled with surprise, admiration or wonder • to contemplate the wonder (of something) #No Thai equivalent

mat # a piece of material used to protect, decorate or frame a surface #No Thai equivalent

Note: mat principally refers to a floor mat

~ good to know: ■  เสื่อ /sèua/ a small rug for sitting on the floor [clf. ผืน /pěun/]

~ good to know: ■  พรมเช็ดเท้า /prom chét táao*/ a door mat/rug (for wiping feet) [clf. ผืน /pěun/]

~ good to know: ■  ผ้าเช็ดเท้า /pâa chét táao*/ bathmat (wet foot cloth) [clf. ผืน /pěun/]

maternity # relating to, or for the period in which a woman is pregnant or giving birth #No Thai equivalent

merit (v.) # to deserve praise, attention, approval or acceptance #No Thai equivalent

Note: merit (n.) is the common translation for the Thai word ■  บุญ /boonˢ/ good deeds, virtue

misty # be marked, surrounded or blurred by mist #No Thai equivalent

modular # designed with standardized units that can be fit together in multiple ways #No Thai equivalent

mug shot, mugshot # police photograph of a suspect, portrait photo #No Thai equivalent

mutilate # to inflict violent permanent damage or injury that disfigures #No Thai equivalent

neighborly # helpful, friendly, or kind as a good neighbor is hoped to be [BrE: neighbourly] #No Thai equivalent

nemesis # an archenemy or the inescapable agent of one's downfall #No Thai equivalent

New Year's resolution # #No Thai equivalent

noble # having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals #No Thai equivalent

Note: noble can also refer to a class in an aristocracy ■  ชั้นสูง /chán sǔung/ to be of the "noble" class (upper class, high class; aristocracy)

non sequitur # a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement #No Thai equivalent

not necessarily # an adverb suggesting what has been said or implied may not be true or is avoidable #No Thai equivalent

nuance # a subtle difference in, or shade of, meaning, expression, color, sound, etc. #No Thai equivalent

nuts and bolts (n.) # a collective term for metallic fasteners #No Thai equivalent

nuts and bolts (expr.) # the whole of the essential working parts or elements (of something) , the practical workings (of something) #No Thai equivalent

obtuse (adj.) # deliberately and annoyingly evasive or slow to respond #No Thai equivalent

oddity # a strange or unusual person, thing, trait or action #No Thai equivalent

omnivore # animal or person that eats both plants and meat #No Thai equivalent

orthodox (views, practices) # conforming to the expected customs of a religion, society, etc. (that are considered correct) #No Thai equivalent

Note: For an orthodox religion (sect) use the loanword for orthodox: ■  นิกายออร์โธด็อกซ์ *◊ /ní·gaai aw[r]·toh·dàwk[s]/

outmaneuver # gain an advantage by moving faster or with greater ingenuity [BrE: outmanoeuvre] #No Thai equivalent

ovation # a long and loud outburst of applause #No Thai equivalent

overgrown (with unwanted grass, weeds, or vegetation) # #No Thai equivalent

overkill # actions, plans or use of force that is considerably more than necessary #No Thai equivalent

overrated # having a high value or good reputation that is undeserved #No Thai equivalent

pander, pander to # to gratify or indulge people's baser instincts, needs, desires, vices #No Thai equivalent

paneling, wall paneling # wall covering constructed from rigid or semi-rigid components (non-tile) [BrE: panelling] #No Thai equivalent

parody # a humorously exaggerated imitation of a well-known song, show, commercial, etc. #No Thai equivalent

patronizing, to patronize # apparently kind or helpful but masking a feeling of superiority [BrE: patronising] #No Thai equivalent

persona # the most representative or public aspects of one's character #No Thai equivalent

personify # to be the embodiment of (a perfect example of) an abstract quality or idea #No Thai equivalent

photo finish # virtual tie at the finish line of a race #No Thai equivalent

pickaxe # a T-shaped tool with a pointed 'pick' at one end of the head and a narrow chisel at the other #No Thai equivalent

pizzazz # an attractive combination of vitality, style and glamour #No Thai equivalent

plague (v.) # to cause continual trouble or distress to #No Thai equivalent

posse # a group organized quickly and authorized to do police work #No Thai equivalent

pragmatic # taking a realistic and practical approach to making decisions or solving problems #No Thai equivalent

prey on/upon # to harm or steal from victims selected for their vulnerability; be a predator #No Thai equivalent

profile # a graphic representation of something in outline (especially a side view) #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of profile (n.) is ■  คำบรรยายลักษณะ /kam ban·yaai lák·sa'nà:/ a listing of features or attributes; e.g., a job profile

~ good to know: ■  โพรไฟล์ /proh·faai[l]*/ personal data profile (account information)

prolific # producing or creating in large numbers or quantities #No Thai equivalent

provocative # deliberately causing a strong reaction, especially anger or annoyance #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of provocative is ■  ยั่วอารมณ์ /yûa aa·rom/ arousing sexual desire or interest

~ good to know: ■  ยั่วยวน /yûa yuan/ seductive, alluring, tempting, irresistible

push start (a vehicle) # to use the momentum of a coasting vehicle to start the engine • clutch starting, popping the clutch #No Thai equivalent

quaint # old-fashioned or unusual in an interesting, pleasing, or charming way #No Thai equivalent

quirk # a peculiar trait, habit or anomaly #No Thai equivalent

racketeering # organized criminal activity in which money is extorted from victims (typically small businesses) #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  การขู่กรรโชก /gaan kùu gan·chôhk/ extortion, blackmail

raison d'être (Fr.) # the most significant reason or purpose for someone or something's existence #No Thai equivalent

rapport # a harmonious relationship in which people understand each other and communicate well #No Thai equivalent

rascal # a very mischievous or cheeky person • a lovable rogue #No Thai equivalent

rationalize # explain or justify with supporting facts or reasons that are not valid or otherwise not acceptable [BrE: rationalise] #No Thai equivalent

red herring # a diversion; something (an argument or a clue) that is misleading or distracting #No Thai equivalent

referral (1) # referring someone to a practitioner for consultation or treatment #No Thai equivalent

referral (2) # to submit someone's name or recommend a person to be a candidate #No Thai equivalent

representation # a description or portrayal of someone or something in a way that defines its character #No Thai equivalent

rigor # effort characterized as very thorough, exhaustive [BrE: rigour] #No Thai equivalent

rigorous ~ very thorough, exhaustive, or accurate

~ good to know: ■  เข้มงวด /kêmˢ* ngûat/ strict in application or effort, rigorous

rummage # to search haphazardly or clumsily #No Thai equivalent

rummage sale # sales event of second-hand items in order to raise money [BrE: jumble sale] #No Thai equivalent

running mate (in a political campaign) # #No Thai equivalent

runt # the smallest offspring of a litter #No Thai equivalent

satire # the use of humor, irony, and/or exaggeration to ridicule or expose hypocrisy (esp. in politics) #No Thai equivalent

savor # to enjoy/relish flavors (or an experience) completely or delightfully [BrE: savour] #No Thai equivalent

savory # appetizing flavors or smells that are pungent, salty or spicy (not sweet) [BrE: savoury] #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  คาว /kaao/ describes a savory odor. Also used to describe a "fishy" odor

scenario (1) # a hypothetical sequence of events #No Thai equivalent

scenario (2) the circumstances or situation in a novel, play or movie

~ good to know: ■  สถานการณ์ /sa'tǎa·ná'gaan/ situation, circumstances, state

scruples # moral or ethical considerations that cause one to hesitate or be reluctant to do something #No Thai equivalent

scrupulous # very careful to do things properly; careful to avoid immoral or improper actions #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  ละเอียดถี่ถ้วน /lá·ìat tèe tûan/ attentive to details, extremely thorough

second-guess # to criticize or correct using hindsight (esp. in a way considered unfair) #No Thai equivalent

seemingly # giving an impression of having a certain quality #No Thai equivalent

senseless # (of actions or behavior) without discernible meaning, purpose or benefit #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of senseless is ■  ไม่มีสติ /mâi mee sa'dtì:/ lose one's mind or consciousness

sentimental # (to have) self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia #No Thai equivalent

serving # a quantity of a food item served to one person #No Thai equivalent

sill # the horizontal base of the frame of a window or door #No Thai equivalent

skit # a short comedy performance, often satirical ~ also called a sketch #No Thai equivalent

slouch # assume a hunched or reclining non-upright posture, esp. in a lazy way #No Thai equivalent

small-scale (1) # comparatively limited size, extent or involvement; e.g., a small-scale project #No Thai equivalent

small-scale (2) # much lower than full-scale; e.g., maps, models, etc. #No Thai equivalent

snap (v.) # to instantly become angry or lose control emotionally #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of 'to snap' is ■  หัก /hàk/ break off; snap in two

snap (n.) # a snap-type fastener [BrE: press stud] #No Thai equivalent

snide # underhanded and nasty contempt, scorn, or sarcasm #No Thai equivalent

songbird # #No Thai equivalent

specter # the idea or threat of impending doom or disaster [BrE: spectre] #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of 'specter' is ■  ผี /pěe/ a ghost/spirit [BrE: spectre]

sponge bath # wash (one's body) with a cloth or sponge outside of a bath or shower [BrE: blanket bath] #No Thai equivalent

spontaneity # behaving or speaking without premeditation • ability and willingness to act/speak spontaneously #No Thai equivalent

spoof (n.) # a satirical imitation #No Thai equivalent

spoof (v.) # to fake an online address or identity in order to gain access to a system or introduce SPAM #No Thai equivalent

squalid # extremely shabby, seedy, unsanitary, due to neglect or poverty #No Thai equivalent

squall # sudden, violent gusts of wind usually associated with the front of a developing storm #No Thai equivalent

station wagon (vehicle) # [BrE: estate car] #No Thai equivalent

stature # importance, influence and/or reputation in the community #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of stature is ■  ส่วนสูง /sùan sǔung/ a person's natural height

~ good to know: ■  ความสูง /kwaam sǔung/ height

stockade # a tall wooden fence or barrier, erected for defense #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  คุกทหาร /kóokˢ ta'hǎan/ a military prison, also called a stockade

stone (v.) # to punish by throwing stones at (a barbaric punishment) #No Thai equivalent

stowaway # an unauthorized passenger who boards secretly #No Thai equivalent

stubble # area of remaining or emerging stubs after cutting (e.g., short whiskers, stalk stubs of corn, etc.) #No Thai equivalent

subscription # an agreement to receive or participate in something in a recurring fashion #No Thai equivalent

subtle (1) # (of a change or difference) so precise or minute to be hard to describe #No Thai equivalent

subtle (2) # (of mood, images or flavors) understated, nuanced, hard to describe #No Thai equivalent

swab (n.) absorbent pad (typically gauze) used in medicine for cleaning wounds or applying medication

~ good to know: ■  ผ้าก๊อซพับ *◊ /pâa gáwt páp/ gauze pad or swab (multi-ply) [clf. แผ่น /pàenˢ*/ | piece ชิ้น /chín/]

swab (v.) # to clean using a swab or a mop #No Thai equivalent

tact # a keen sense, skill, sensitivity or diplomacy in dealing with potentially difficult situations #No Thai equivalent

tailgate (n.) # the rear loading door of a truck, SUV or station wagon #No Thai equivalent

Note: The verb 'to tailgate' is ■  จี้ /jêe/ (spoken) to drive dangerously close to the vehicle in front ~ lit. "to poke, prod"

toadstool # a mushroom with a large cap #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: ■  หมวกเห็ด /mùak hèt/ a mushroom cap

toboggan # a long flat sled #No Thai equivalent

toe jam, toe-jam # amorphous material that collects between the toes #No Thai equivalent

tract (of land) # a large area of land reserved for a designated purpose #No Thai equivalent

traumatize # to cause emotional trauma [BrE: traumatise] #No Thai equivalent

trinket # a small, cheap souvenir or decoration #No Thai equivalent

tuition # education by private instruction or tutelage #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of tuition is ■  ค่าเล่าเรียน /kâa lâo rian/ fees paid for tuition *var. ค่าเรียน /kâa rian/

~ good to know: ■  ค่าเทอม *◊ /kâa təəm/ term fees (due to the school) ; tuition (fees) ~ lit. "term fees"

tweak (1) # a sharp twist or pull #No Thai equivalent

tweak (2) a fine adjustment to a mechanism or system

~ good to know: ■  ปรับ /bpràp/ to adjust, tune

under control # being handled or managed with acceptable results ~ not out of control #No Thai equivalent

unisex # designed for use by both sexes, or not gender-specific; esp. of fashion, hairstyles, etc. #No Thai equivalent

unrecognizable # not able or no longer able to be recognized or identified [BrE: unrecognisable] #No Thai equivalent

unrivaled # having no equal or rival (therefore considered supreme) [BrE: unrivalled] #No Thai equivalent

ventriloquism, ventriloquy # stagecraft in which a person creates the illusion that their voice is coming from a prop ( a "dummy".) #No Thai equivalent

ventriloquist # actor who creates the illusion that their voice is coming from a prop ( a "dummy".) #No Thai equivalent

wardrobe (AmE) # a personal clothing collection (American English) #No Thai equivalent

Note: the common meaning of wardrobe in Thailand is ■  ตู้เสื้อผ้า /dtûu sêua·pâa/ a cabinet for storing clothes [clf. ตู้ /dtûu/]

westernize # to adopt the cultural, economic, or political systems of Europe and North America [BrE: westernise] #No Thai equivalent

whim # a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained #No Thai equivalent

whimsical ~ playfully quaint or fanciful • unpredictable, capricious

~ good to know: ■  เล่น ๆ /lên~lên*/ playfully not serious at all, frivolous

Whoa! (1) an exclamation used to express great surprise, amazement, or alarm

~ good to know: ■  โอ้โห /ôh hǒh/ Wow! Whoa! (used to express being surprised by an impressive action or talent)

Whoa! (2) # imperative exclamation used to command a horse to stop or to urge a person to stop whatever they are doing or saying #No Thai equivalent

wholesome # conducive to moral goodness #No Thai equivalent

Note: another meaning of wholesome is ■  ดีต่อสุขภาพ /dee dtàw sòokˢ·ka'pâap/ conducive to good health

wind down # to let activities gradually come to an end #No Thai equivalent

wingspan # maximum distance between wingtips #No Thai equivalent

wishbone # a forked bone between the neck and breast of a bird #No Thai equivalent

wishful thinking # forming thoughts according to what might be pleasing to imagine instead of using reason or evidence #No Thai equivalent

wisp, wispy # thin strands or twists (of smoke, straw, etc.) #No Thai equivalent

withhold # refuse to give something that is due to or is desired by another #No Thai equivalent

yard sale # a neighborhood sales event of second-hand items #No Thai equivalent

zing # to have or to move with great energy or enthusiasm #No Thai equivalent

~ good to know: the false-friend loanword ■  ซิ่ง /sîng/ "zing" has two meanings:

(1) hip, cool, modern, bold, expressive (Thai slang)

(2) to drive fast, to race; speeding (Thai slang) from the word "racing"

Learn Thai Dictionary

250 English Words with No Thai Equivalent

Version 1.0

©2022 Greg Callahan. All rights reserved. Distribution prohibited without permission.

  • Published
    29 April 2022
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